Tuesday 20 December 2011

A Fresh New Perspective

I'm terrified of a lot of things: Writing, performing, talking to girls without suffering from any type of bodily disfunction, death, earning/spending/losing money. The thought of doing any of these things sends an explosive chill down my spine (something that I am constantly terrified will break at any moment).
I am so scared of these things that my life so far can be easily summarised in one word: Inaction. This word terrifies me more than every aforementioned fear.
It is the fear of that particular word that has finally kickstarted my mission to achieve something noteworthy in my short life. It is the fear of that word that has led me to attempt to become an adequate (potentially above average) writer. It is also the fear of that word that has led me to believe that I will have to do a lot more than write a lonely little blog if I want to create a future worth living in.

Anyway, if you are lame and have decided to read this whole blog post, and are thinking of reading any future posts, I can guarantee you that they will be a whole lot better.

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